Company Overview
Care Integrated Behavioral Health [CIBH] is a behavioral health population management company. Our vision is to create a member-driven behavioral healthcare delivery system where primary care and behavioral health clinicians work closely together coordinating treatment, while supporting best practices. Our total dedication to this approach ensures each member’s personal wellness goals will always be uniformly addressed across the continuum of care. We are committed to providing timely access to cost effective services and support that continues to produce quality treatment and process outcomes for the member, the healthcare system and community at large. We engage as an operating partner and provide companies, with processes and enabling technology that is essential for payers and health systems to deliver the best behavioral health population management capabilities. The depth and breadth of our solutions—combined with two decades of experience in value based behavioral health care make CIBH an ideal partner for any health care organization seeking to transform its business and care-delivery model and remarkably improve its clinical and financial outcomes.
As a behavioral health care population management company, we focus on today’s most complex and costly population health care needs. CIBH does not own the continuum of care but instead works collaboratively with providers in a virtual integrated delivery system. We believe in the synergy of collaboration and the spirit of innovation. We are committed to excellence in all we do with health plans, health systems, health providers, employers, government agencies, clients,and many other stakeholders. We CIBH has developed value-based reimbursement models, care models coupled with innovative technology to align care plans and incentives to, afford providers the time to more proactively manage and coordinate behavioral client care. This allows providers the ability to deliver actionable clinical and financial data to care providers, along with the tools to leverage that information. The bottom line is that CIBH has united the continuum of care in a common purpose through ensuring that every client receives the right care in the right setting and at the right cost, with clear accountability for clinical and financial outcomes.
The nation’s behavioral health care industry is still struggling and the concept of value-based accountability is on the rise, CIBH shares these trans-formative technologies, programs, and methods with health plans, hospitals, and other organizations seeking to establish their own high-performing accountable delivery systems.